the PC reproaches to Damien Chazelle’s La
La Land, the one that stands out for its sheer stupidity was that there are
no gay couples in the film which takes place in LA, a city with a strong gay
population… How come those PC Leftists who complain about the
sub-representation of sexual and ethnic minorities in Hollywood movies never
complain about the gross misrepresentation of the lower class majority of
workers? It’s OK if workers are invisible, just that we get here and there a
gay or lesbian character…
remember a similar incident at the first conference on the idea of Communism in
London in 2009. Some people in the public voiced the complaint that there was
only one woman among the participants, plus no black person and no one from
Asia, to which Badiou remarked that it was strange how no one was bothered by
the fact that there were no workers among the participants, especially given
that the topic was Communism.
back to La La Land, we should
bear in mind that the movie opens up precisely with the depiction of hundreds
of precarious and/or unemployed workers on their way to Hollywood to search for
a job that would boost their career. The first song (“Another Day of Sun”)
shows them singing and dancing to make the time pass while they are stuck in a
highway traffic jam. Mia and Sebastian, who are among them, each in his/her
car, are the two who will succeed—the (obvious) exceptions. And, from this
standpoint, their falling in love (which will enable their success) enters the
story precisely to blur in the background the invisibility of hundreds who will fail,
making it appear that it was their love (and not sheer luck) which made them
special and destined to success.